Children of families who struggle with whether acute, hidden or chronic hunger consistently go without the nutrients their minds and bodies need, which greatly prevents them from being able from escaping the vicious cycle of poverty.

  • 60% of the world’s hungry are women and girls mainly in rural
    • Every ten seconds, a child dies from the effects of hunger
    • 66 million school-age children attend classes hungry across developing countries which greatly impact their ability to learn according to WFP.
    • 821.6 million people are going hungry globally

 Our Approach for Zero Hunger by 2030

WYCF’S flagship approach for achieving Sustainable Rural Education and Nutritional security in rural communities where we work is called the A4SREL project.

With supports from Wegdam Foundation, WYCF work to ensure our A4SREL programs are sustained without us. By integrating our programs with local systems, we transform effective, short-term interventions into long-term solutions.

We build local capacity and cultivate community know-how which enables families to flourish and use generated income to enable their children eradicate the causes of hunger and escape the perilous cycle of poverty through Education.


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