Contact Us
6 Sumaila Town, Pharmacy, Off Pademba Road Prison, Back of Winners Chapel Church Int. Sierra Leone
+23277435212 +23275334750
August 2016 – Ongoing
The Secondary School Scholarships programme was created to give all children graduating from WYCF primary schools a fair chance in continuing to pursue an education and enhance their life opportunities. Since its foundation, we have empowered 267 girls and boys 15.
The challenges:
– 3‐5% only of WYCF students successfully followed through to secondary school;
– Prohibitive costs related to secondary school enrolment and attendance;
– School dropouts in favour of engaging in petty trading or other forms of increasing the families’ incomes.
Our solution:
– Make sure every child takes their entry exams;
– Build relationships with local secondary schools outside of our secondary schools’ communities.
– Provide a subsidy that covers the student’s fees, uniform and learning materials for the school year;
– Send the children to school and carefully monitor their attendance and progress.
The outcomes:
– 267 students – 153 girls, 89 boys – have benefited from this project since its inception.
– The percentage of WYCF students who continue through to secondary schools rose to 99%.
Our beneficiaries cut across 3 operational areas ; Freetown, Urban slums and Rural district, Karene District in rural Kamakwie, Port Loko District, Koya Chiefdom
6 Sumaila Town, Pharmacy, Off Pademba Road Prison, Back of Winners Chapel Church Int. Sierra Leone
+23277435212 +23275334750