Child Protection

At the core of all that WYCF does, our main concern is the well-being of our children. Child exploitation, domestic violence, rape, alcohol and drugs abuse and homelessness are just some of the most critical situations WYCF, our children and families have faced along the years. In each case, our Team has articulated with the relevant entities – partner organisations, police, hospitals – in finding an appropriate response.

The most valuable tool we have created and implemented is our Child Files, which consist of a personal file for each child enrolled in our schools, gathering information about their living situation, including learning, housing, family and medical conditions. All confidential information is collected through individual interviews with each student and their parents or guardians, and is then recorded into a database. Ultimately, this allows us to monitor and assess our children’s progress and attend to their specific needs.

The database also feeds us information on the overall challenges of our target communities and lets us know what projects we should be implementing in answer to the problems observed.


Our Project Impact

Our beneficiaries cut across 3 operational areas ; Freetown, Urban slums and Rural district, Karene District in rural Kamakwie, Port Loko District, Koya Chiefdom

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Contact Us

6 Sumaila Town, Pharmacy, Off Pademba Road Prison, Back of Winners Chapel Church Int. Sierra Leone

+23277435212   +23275334750